City of San Diego Retired Employees’ Association
Rules of Order
(Revised July 12, 2011)
Notification of regular or special REA Board and General Member meetings shall be posted on the REA web site and electronically mailed to all persons on the REA member e-mail Roster at least seven calendar days prior to the meeting.
The Secretary shall cause to maintain all Association written minutes and all correspondence relating to the business of the Association.
- Section 1: Six Board members plus two officers shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board of Directors.
- Section 2: Two officers plus twenty members shall constitute a quorum at any Association meeting.
- Section 1: The President shall:
- a. Preside at all meetings of the Association and Board of Directors.
- b. Exercise general supervision, direction and control of the business and affairs of the Association, subject to the control of the Board of Directors.
- c. Appoint the Parliamentarian, Membership Chair, Newsletter Editor and the chairs of al committees except the Nominating Committee, Program Committee and Advocacy Committee.
- d. Be the spokesperson for the Association unless that function is delegated for specific circumstances.
- e. Receive the reports of all committees.
- f. Act as an ex-officio member of all committees except Nominating.
- g. Appoint at any time special committees as deemed necessary.
- h. Enforce the Association’s Bylaws and preserve order and decorum at all meetings.
- Section 2: The First Vice President shall:
- a. In the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President and act in an advisory capacity at all times.
- b. Chair the Program Committee and select the members thereof.
- Section 3: The Second Vice President shall:
- a. In the absence of the President and First Vice President, perform the duties of the President and act in an advisory capacity at all times.
- b. Chair the Advocacy Committee.
- Section 4: The Secretary shall:
- a. Cause to keep a correct record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Association and Board of Directors.
- b. Distribute, or cause to be read at all meetings, such documents and correspondence as should be brought to the attention of the members.
- c. Maintain, or cause to be maintained, a record and directory of all officers, Directors and Chairs of all Committees.
- d. Perform such other secretarial duties as may be requested by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
- Section 5: The Treasurer shall:
- a. Be responsible for all the Association’s assets and fiscal procedures, processing of annual dues billing, and collecting, or cause to be collected, all dues and/or other monies due the Association.
- b. Issue, or cause to be issued, checks for payment or expenditures of the Association. Checks, withdrawals or transfers from accounts maintained by the Treasurer of the Association shall be valid when signed by any two of the following persons – President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary.
- c. Present an annual financial statement to the President and/or the Board of Directors.
- d. Issue, or cause to be issued, checks for payment or expenditures of the Association. Checks, withdrawals or transfers from accounts maintained by the Treasurer of the Association shall be valid when signed by any two of the following persons – President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary.
- e. Deposit, or cause to be deposited, all monies received to the credit of the Association in a Federally insured financial institution.
- Section 6: The Other Board Members shall:
- a. Attend all regular meetings of the Board and the General Membership.
- b. Participate in the activities of the Board, serve on Committees when requested, and be knowledgeable about Association activities.
- Section 1: The President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Association shall be elected bi-annually in the month of November by vote of the members. Two of the elected Board members shall be elected each year.
- Section 2: A Nominating Committee consisting of three members shall be established in July in the following manner.
- a. The Board of Directors shall appoint two members.
- b. The General Membership shall elect one member of its choice.
- c. The Nominating Committee shall elect its chair.
- Section 3: The Nominating Committee shall:
- a. Submit names of one or more candidates for each vacant position for the office of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and any vacant positions on the Board of Directors, each in the appropriate year. In developing its list of candidates, the Nominating Committee shall seek individuals that have appropriate experience and qualifications and that demonstrate the desire to actively participate in the governance and operation of the Association. In performing its due diligence, the Nominating Committee shall interview prospective candidates to serve productively on the Board. The Committee shall prepare a written justification for each candidate so nominated.
- b. Obtain the consent of each nominee before announcing the member as a candidate.
- Section 4
- a. Nominations from the floor shall be declared in order after the Nominating Committee reports at the November meeting. Consent of the person nominated must have been obtained prior to putting his or her name in nomination.
- b. After nominations have been closed, the Presiding Officer shall appoint an Election Board consisting of an inspector and two or more tellers. Voting shall be by secret ballot; however, if a motion for a single slate is approved, the election may be held by voice vote.
- Section 5: The candidate for each office receiving the majority of votes for that office shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie vote, a run-off election for that office shall be conducted. At that time the members present shall elect the new officer from those candidates who tied. In the event that no candidate for an office receives a majority of the vote, a run-off shall be conducted between the two candidates with the highest number of votes.
- Section 6: Newly elected Officers and Board Members shall be installed in January.
- Section 1: Association membership dues shall be payable monthly by authorized payroll deduction (preferred) or on an annual basis if payroll deduction is not an option.
- Section 2: The payment of current dues shall entitle a member to all rights and privileges allowed under these Bylaws and these Rules of Order.
- Section 3: The annual dues of the Association shall be fixed at the October meeting by a majority vote of the members present. Notwithstanding this provision, the annual dues may be fixed at any noticed regular member meeting upon a majority vote of the members present. If this dues approval is other than at the October meeting, the revised dues structure shall take effect sixty days after said approval.
- Section 4: Affiliate members shall pay dues in accordance with the dues structure established by the membership.
- Section 1: One dollar per member per month shall be directed to the Legal Fund to be used to protect retirees’ interests. The Board may, at its discretion, transfer additional funds from the Operating Budget, to the Legal Fund. Once said funds are transferred into the Legal Fund, those funds shall be subject to Sections 2 through 6 to protect said funds in the interests of all retirees.
- Section 2: All funds collected for this purpose are to be deposited in separate sub-accounts of the Association’s financial institution account. The Association Treasurer has the authority to move the funds within the Association’s financial institution account in order to secure a better rate of interest.
- Section 3: Actions taken by this organization regarding the legal fund must be used for the benefit and protection of REA members, precluding the use of the legal fund for any other reason.
- Section 4: A proposed legal proceeding (litigation) must have the pre-approval of two thirds of the Association’s Board of Director’s and by two-thirds of the members present during a previously noticed and regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
- Section 5: The required membership vote for use of the Legal Fund or approval of a legal proceeding shall not be less than seven calendar days after the date that a written notice of the time, place and reason for the meeting has been posted on the Association’s web page and electronically sent to all members on the REA member e-mail roster.
- Section 6: The approval by Board members and General members as outlined in Sections 4 and 5 shall encompass all the actions necessary to undertake the legal proceedings.
- Section 7: All revisions to this legal fund policy must be approved by both a two-thirds approval of the Board and a two-thirds approval of the General members present at a previously noticed and regularly scheduled monthly meeting.
- Section 8: Dissolution of the Legal Fund may take place only in a way that is satisfactory under applicable laws in effect at the time of the proposed dissolution and only with approval of two-thirds of the Association’s Board and of two-thirds of the members present during a previously noticed and regularly scheduled monthly meeting.