Annual Supplemental Benefit
- 10/22/2003 | Annual Supplemental Benefit
The Corbett Settlement
- 5/19/2006 | Corbett Benefit Election Report by SDCERS
- 11/29/2006 | Corbett Settlement Explained by Joe Flynn
- 8/10/2006 | Corbett Settlement Explained by REA Board Member
The City’s Withdrawal from Social Security
- 7/21/1981 | City Ordinance O-15552 | Adopts Annual Budget FY 81-82 by amending Doc. 00-15552
- 7/27/1981 | Council Minutes | See Item 51 on page 4 re: SDMC amendments to Retirement System
- 7/27/1981 | City Ordinance O-15554 | Amends SDMC 24.0103 and .0105 related to Retirement System
- 11/2/1981 | City Council Minutes | Withdrawal from Social Security – see p. 15
- 11/2/1981 | City Resolution No. R-255320 | Directs the City Manager, Council and Retirement Office to conduct an election of affected employees
- 11/20/1981 | City Memo on Withdrawal from Social Security
- 12/18/1981 | City Manager Update of Withdrawal from Social Security
- 1/4/1982 | City Ordinance O-15644 | Adopts Annual Budget FY 81-82 by amending Doc. 00-15552-1
- 1/4/1982 | City Resolution No. 255609 | Establishes SPSP
- 1/18/1982 | City Ordinance O-15653 | Computation of Retirement Benefit post Social Security
- 4/5/1982 | City Ordinance O-15686 | Amends SDMC – eligibility of Safety Members post Social Security
- 4/8/1982 | City Minutes | Safety Members withdrawal from Social Security
- 6/1/1982 | City Ordinance O-15758 | Amends SDMC 24.0907.1, adds section 24.0907.2 – City sponsored group health for eligible retirees
- 8/19/1985 | City Resolution R-263919 | Opposes changes in federal law mandating participation in Social Security
- 9/30/1985 | City Resolution R-264171 | Opposes changes in federal law mandating participation in Social Security and medicare
- 1/21/1992 | City Resolution R-280705 | Amends SPSP-H
- 2/21/1992 | City Memo of Law Health Care Insurance | for Unified Port District Members of SDCERS
- 2/2/2007 | Report to Council | Amend MC Eliminating Waterfall
- 9/27/2007 | City Attorney Opinion | Post-Retirement Health Care Benefits Administration
- 3/26/2015 | Appellant’s Opening Brief | Retiree Health Care Litigation – A Legal Brief