President Dick Wilken’s Message


In-person REA General Member meetings have returned. Both July and August meetings at the War Memorial Building in Balboa Park were well attended. At the August meeting, we announced that the REA Board has ended the proof of Covid vaccination policy for in-person meetings. Masks continue to be optional.

Summer is when we traditionally conduct our REA Membership Drive in conjunction with the City/SCERS’s Retiree Health Insurance Open Enrollment. Since the City is moving Open Enrollment to the end of 2022, we decided to hold our own targeted Membership Campaign in August. To do this, we printed and mailed a recruitment flyer to City retirees who are not REA members. We now have on-line Membership Applications and Pension Deduction Applications (PDA’s), so it is easier than ever to join REA. We hope you will support us in our membership campaign. If you know of other retirees that are not REA members, encourage them to join. There is strength in numbers.

REA is a non-profit organization that is managed largely by member volunteers. Each year we hold elections for REA Officers and Directors. Serving on our Board can be fun and rewarding. If you think you might be interested in serving REA, leave a message for me at our Call Center (888-730-4935) and I will call you back.