I’ve been absent from my Presidential duties this month traveling to Sacramento to train CHP about bicycling and to New Orleans (wow, it was humid and hot, but interesting there) to a WalkBikePlace conference.
Thank you to Dave Twomey, Mike Bresnahan, and Karen Butler for ably carrying on at our monthly REA meeting, our SDMEA meeting, and the Retiree Issues Task Force (RITF) meeting; that’s where retiree representing organizations meet with SDCERS staff to work out issues and exchange operational information.
It really does, in effect, *take a village* to keep things progressing; REA is no different. Speaking of which, there may be an opening on the REA Board for one of you to pitch in to help REA be as useful an organization as possible for our members. Interest? Contact me or Dick Wilken or Shirley Hall about pitching-in.