Spring is right around the corner and I hope you are enjoying the good weather. The plentiful early rains have things looking especially green this year.
If you have not recently attended one of our General Member Meetings, I urge you to try one. We meet on the second Tuesday of most months and keep our business meetings short. We brief attendees on issues of importance to retirees and usually get an update from Cynthia Queen, SDCERS’ Director of Member Services and Charlie Hoquist, the Elected Retiree Representative on the SDCERS Board. We have a great working relationship with the SDCERS Board and staff and it is great to hear about the latest SDCERS’ initiatives. Dave Twomey, REA Vice President for Programs, arranges excellent speakers and topics of interest. Following our speaker, we have a catered lunch from a variety of local restaurants for only $10 for REA members. The meals are excellent values and the luncheon is an opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones. Lunch reservations are required in advance.
Our speaker for the March 10th General Member Meeting is Scott Lewis, CEO/Editor in Chief of the Voice of San Diego. Scott is widely known and respected, writes about local politics, and is one of our most popular recurring speakers. Details of the March Meeting are elsewhere in this Newsletter.
Please join us.