
COVID-19 Update: Things are looking up. As of mid-May, in California and in San Diego County, we are beginning to open up our economies and institutions with a careful, phased approach. Locally, testing is increasing, and the percentage of positive COVID-19 cases is trending down.

We previously announced that REA would not hold in-person General Member meetings in May and June. We hoped to be able to meet in July. Your Board is now evaluating the feasibility and timing of safely resuming in-person meetings. This includes developing virtual alternatives which will allow us to stay connected with each other until we can safely resume in-person meetings. SDPEBA Virtual Health Fair: As you know, SDCERS cancelled its traditional June Retiree Health Open Enrollment events. However, SDPEBA (San Diego Public Employee Benefit Association) decided to sponsor a Virtual (Online) Benefits Fair. The Retiree Fair will be held on June 1st and 2nd.

The SDPEBA Virtual Fair is a website that you can go to and ‘walk around’ a conference center. Most of the SDCERS’ and SDPEBA’s health care providers will have virtual booths with displays and a chat room where people can ask questions and have a 1:1 chat with a company representative. Thanks to some hard work by Webmaster Mary Ann Stepnowsky, REA is proud to sponsor a booth at this Fair. Come and see us. We also hope you will encourage non-members to visit our booth, download our recruitment materials and join REA!