
As you know, REA traditionally defers its meetings in June for the SDCERS Retiree Health Fair. Due to COVID-19, the SDCERS event was cancelled. SDPEBA then decided to sponsor a Virtual Fair for Retirees on June 1st and 2nd and asked REA to participate. REA VP for Advocacy, Mike Bresnahan, and Webmaster Mary Ann Stepnowsky did a great job of developing posters and recruiting documents that Mary Ann posted in the REA ‘room’ of the Virtual Fair. Volunteers from the Board staffed our REA chat room to answer questions about REA during the two-day event. My thanks to Mike, Mary Ann and the Board members that made REA’s participation possible.

As previously announced, our July 14th General Member Meeting will be held via Zoom. Dave Twomey, REA VP for Programs, has lined up an outstanding program by Hasan Ikhrata, SANDAG Executive Director. I hope you will join us.

It is likely that both August and September meetings will also be Zoom meetings. We hope our virtual alternatives will allow us to stay connected with each other until we can safely resume in-person meetings.

If you have questions, email me at [email protected] or leave a message for me at 888-730-4935. Stay safe. Be well.

YES! We will be receiving our COLA at the END of July. Up to 2% for general members.