Greetings Fellow REA members!
Your Board of Directors has met to consider the issue of COVID vaccinations, particularly in light of the desire of many to resume in-person meetings and events as soon as possible. The REA Board of Directors is unanimous in recommending, in accordance with public health guidance, that everyone be vaccinated, not only to protect themselves, but also to protect others. We are a particularly vulnerable population.
On the subject of in-person meetings, the Board conducted an email survey of members. The key result of the survey was that 64.3% of respondents expressed the view that our in-person meetings and events should only be open to members and guests who are vaccinated. (47.2% strongly agreed, 17.1% somewhat agreed, 13% somewhat disagreed, 13.8% strongly disagreed, and 8.9% had no opinion). The Board of Directors reviewed the results of this survey and discussed the issue in depth. The Board unanimously decided that in-person REA meetings and events will only be open to members and guests who are vaccinated. Board members noted that new variants of COVID are arising.
At the present time, it is unknown when the War Memorial Building will be available for in-person meetings. Our annual (except last year) Holiday Party will be held December 14th at the Bali Hai. We encourage everyone to get vaccinated and look forward to seeing you all as soon as we are able to resume in-person meetings.
Also hope to see you on Zoom for our August General Member meeting.