We hope you are all safe. I have to admit that it is discouraging to me that our nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been mixed and is causing some states like California to partially close again. At our July 14th Board meeting, we decided that until further notice, all meetings will be via Zoom. As a country, we need to get on top of this. I know we will, but hope it is soon.
For some good news: As a result of the REA recruitment flyers, membership applications inserted in the SDCERS’ Retiree Health Insurance Open Enrollment packet, REA has 72 new members! Thanks to Advocacy VP Mike Bresnahan. Also, as explained elsewhere in this month’s Newsletter, the Board also approved a partnership with the Voice of San Diego. Another effort of our REA Image Enhancement Initiative, this partnership will bring REA benefits during 2020. For this, congrats to Programs VP Dave Twomey.
Our July 14th General Member Zoom meeting went smoothly. SANDAG Executive Director Hasan Ikhrata and staff gave an excellent presentation that was well received. We recorded it and are working to put in online. We will let you know when it can be viewed.
Our August 11th General Member meeting will feature Mike Zucchet, General Manager of MEA. Mike is always a popular speaker. Mike recently lost his father and we extend our deepest sympathies to Mike and his family.
Please join us for our August Zoom meeting. If you are still feeling reluctant to try Zoom, I urge you to go to YouTube. YouTube has many Zoom tutorials. Look for a short one that just focuses on “how to join your first Zoom meeting”.
Hope to ‘see’ you in August. Stay Safe. Be Well.
Any questions email me at [email protected] or leave a message for me at 888-730-4935.