President Dick Wilken’s Message
We had an excellent turnout for our March 8th General Member Zoom meeting. This was the date of our membership vote on the proposed dues increase. I am very pleased to report that the members present voted unanimously to approve the increase. Expect to see this $1 per month increase in May.
The additional revenue will allow us to develop our growing organization, expand our programs, and bring members additional benefits. We are close to rolling out the capability to automate the membership application process. We hope this will attract new members. Next up, we will be enabling online payments for the holiday party or other events. The added revenue will also allow us to expand our Image Enhancement Program (“Still Serving the Community”). See the article in our April Newsletter about our latest highly successful event, Read Across America.
I will be out of town in April, Vice President Mike Bresnahan will be chairing the April 12th meeting.