April 14th and May 12th REA Meetings Cancelled
Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the Stay at Home order, we have cancelled our April 14th and May 12th Board and General Member meetings. We do not meet in June as this is the month when we defer to SDCERS which holds its Retiree Health Open Enrollment Kick Off and Help Days. In a related matter, the organizers of the Restoring Respect Annual Conference which REA co-sponsors and scheduled for April 8 has been postponed to the Fall with a date to be determined.
We will continue to hold our monthly Board of Director’s meetings via teleconference and will continue to publish our monthly Newsletters, supplemented with e Blasts as needed. Should you need further information, email me at [email protected] or leave a message at 888- 730-4935.
Hopefully we can start holding our meetings again in July, but that will depend on the conditions at that time. We will keep you informed.
We hope you and your family stay healthy during this difficult time.