Retirees: City of San Diego employees have been most fortunate to have been represented by MEA and their outstanding attorney, Ann Smith. With difficulty, I condensed a list of descriptive superlatives to just one, “outstanding.” Over the years Ann Smith has represented more that just the City employees, she has made an effort to provide advise that would result in the best outcome for the City and all its citizens. The current case is a prime example of the effort she made and the consequence of ignoring her counsel. And most helpful to those of us outside the legal profession, she has the ability to make the most abstract legal opinions and statements crystal clear for us lay people.
We can’t thank her enough.
Joe Flynn, Retiree
The article “Politics Report: The Woman Who Torpedoed Proposition B” by Scott Lewis published in the Voice of San Diego on August 4, 2018 may be of interest to retirees. Click here to read the article.
Contrary to the title of Voice of San Diego’s article, this case was never about trying to “torpedo” Prop B. It was about ensuring our elected officials follow the law and protecting the rights of San Diego’s Municipal Workers. California’s Supreme Court agreed. Way to go Ann Smith!