City of San Diego Retired Employees Association
September 8, 2020
General Meeting Minutes
Meeting held via Zoom
President Dick Wilken greeted attendees and reminded them that the meeting would be recorded and posted on our You Tube channel.
Cynthia Queen thanked members for leaning into whatever technological discomfort they may have and joining us on Zoom. She reported that the SDCERS call center is now cloud-based and is running fine from staff members’ homes.
Gregg Rademacher assured members that despite a rocky first quarter, our investments are performing as expected and the City is making its payments on time.
Dave Twomey reported that REA’s image enhancement campaign will include a sponsorship presence at Carl Luna’s Restoring Respect conference on October 7; the keynote speaker will be Cindy McCain.
The program was Amy Abrams, Director of Education for Alzheimer’s San Diego, who spoke on “Maintaining Brain Health”. She noted that it is perfectly normal for the brain to change as we get older, and pointed out some of the differences between normal ageing and the development of dementia. Suggested actions to take to maintain brain health include exercise, a healthy diet, socializing, good sleep habits, and intellectual stimulus such as learning another language and doing word puzzles.