City of San Diego Retired Employees Association
September 10, 2019
General Meeting Minutes
The minutes for the August 2019 meeting were approved.
Dick Wilken reported on actions that REA has taken to rectify a member’s issues with her health insurance premium reimbursement, and that SDCERS was actively involved in attempting to resolve the issue.
Jim Baross announced the slate of new Board members as proposed by the Nominating Committee. The candidates are:
President – Dick Wilken;
VP for Programs – Dave Twomey;
VP for Advocacy – Mike Bresnahan;
Board Members – Ty Rogers, Joan Hernandez, Chris Brewster.
Cynthia Queen reported that Carol Broad has been elected as Board President; the new Vice-President will be announced at the September 13 meeting.
Marla Davis of Park & Rec announced the 44th annual Senior Art Exhibit will be on display in the War memorial Building from September 11 to September 27. Members were invited to stop by and vote on the People’s Choice Award.
SDCERS staff presented a walk-through of the newly-redesigned SDCERS website, which includes a Durable Power of Attorney form for access to pension records; health plan booklets; Board agendas; and financial statements. Members were also shown how to register on the SDCERS member portal which allows members to change beneficiaries; view tax documents; update direct deposit information; and other features. After this demonstration, members could get additional one-on-one tutoring from SDCERS staff; work stations on the REA website and social media were also available.