City of San Diego Retired Employees Association
August 14, 2018
General Meeting Minutes
The minutes for the July 2018 meeting and the July Treasurer’s Report were approved.
President Jim Baross announced that a Nominating Committee is being formed. One member must be from the general membership. Persons who are interested should contact Jim or any other Board member.
Jim also stated that due to changes in the US Tax Code, members may wish to investigate adjusting their payroll deductions to avoid higher taxes. Joan Hernandez announced an upcoming event sponsored by CARA, the California Alliance for Retired Americans: a non-partisan look at upcoming ballot measures, moderated by Nathan Fletcher on September 18.
For details and to register, go to:
PROGRAM – The program speaker was Jim Baross, who presented a slide show about new bicycle-related street markings, plus advice for both drivers and bicyclists on how to safely interact on the streets. He noted that many of the new markings and signage are a result of local governance car/bike crashes and that the responsibility for the
crash is evenly split between drivers and bicyclists doing something wrong. He spoke about situations when it is safer for a bicyclist to take a whole lane (keeping a safe distance from parked cars, avoiding debris, or the street is just too narrow).