City of San Diego Retired Employees Association
August 11, 2020
General Meeting Minutes
Meeting held via Zoom
President Dick Wilken announced that the July REA meeting and program are available
for viewing on REA’s new YouTube channel. Any reports are available on request. Dick
noted that 72 new members joined REA as a result of our membership brochure being
included in SDCERS’ healthcare mailer. Dick also informed members of the passing of
Joe Flynn’s wife, Gloria.
Gregg Rademacher informed members that all is going well at SDCERS. The call center
hours are being expanded and the annual meeting, usually held at the Balboa Park Club,
will be a video on the SDCERS website. Gregg reassured members that the investment
portfolio is well diversified and is getting a good rate of return.
Dave Twomey gave an update on REA’s image enhancement campaign, specifically our
sponsorship of Voice of San Diego’s Morning Report beginning in September and
increasing in frequency until Election Day.
The program was the (belated) annual visit from Michael Zucchet, General Manager of
MEA. He reported that MEA was negotiating a new two-year contract with the City
when covid hit; with revenues uncertain, a one-year contract with flex benefits increases
was negotiated instead. He said that after many years of employee recruitment and
retention problems, City officials are now paying attention. Prop B is still being litigated
but only by the ballot proponents; it will likely take two years to be resolved. Five
Council seats and the Mayor office will be on the November ballot; Zucchet feels that the
newly-elected officials will be fiscally cautious until revenues return to a normal level.