City of San Diego Retired Employees Association
May 11, 2021
General Meeting Minutes
Meeting held via Zoom
President Dick Wilken greeted attendees and reminded them that the meeting was being recorded and would be posted on our YouTube channel. The minutes of the April 2021 meeting were approved.
Dick gave an update on Prop B: With the legal battle over (in our favor), the City Council still needs to excise the Prop B language from the City Charter. In the meantime, the City and its labor unions – with information from SDCERS – are discussing how to transition post-Prop B employees into the retirement system.
He also announced that our annual Holiday Party will be held again at the Bali Hai. The coming months will determine how the event will be staged based on any covid requirements.
Cynthia Queen of SDCERS reported that the retirement fund was up 14.2% in the last half of 2020 and is now worth over $10B. She also reported that the call center is so busy that a new position is being added.
The program was Jonathan Hayes, CEO of Integrated Labor Solutions (ILS); REA contracts with ILS to handle membership records and newsletter production. He told his long association with the City, beginning with his stint as a Library Aide while in his teens to working with MEA to manage benefits. He told of his founding of ILS and how SDPEBA grew out of that, and that SDPEBA has added the adding SD County Probation Officers to the association.