City of San Diego Retired Employees Association

April 2024

General Meeting Minutes

President Mike Bresnahan informed members that our upcoming food drive for the San Diego Food Bank will take place over six weeks, June 1 to July 15. 

Victoria Fedalizo of SDCERS informed members that the call center is now fully-staffed and that there is a full-time receptionist at their offices for members who need to make in-person drop-offs of materials. She also reminded members that they should have received a notice reminding them to update their beneficiaries.



The program was a return visit from Steve Spinella of the District Attorney’s office to update us on elder fraud scams. He reminded members that we are the generation that has had to learn technology (as opposed to growing up with it), and that this can make us vulnerable to scams. He stated that governmental agencies (the IRS, “missed” jury duty) will never make contact by phone or email, only through the mail; they will also never make threats. Finally, he strongly advised members to use the dual-factor authentication option (a secondary identification technique using a text message with a 6-digit code number sent to your phone) for stronger security to prevent hackers from accessing information.