City of San Diego Retired Employees Association

March 2023 

General Meeting Minutes

President Mike Bresnahan informed members that REA received an award from the San Diego Food Bank for our members’ contributions.

Dick Wilken announced that Cynthia Queen is retiring from SDCERS in early April and that this was her last REA meeting. He told members that Cynthia improved relationships between REA and SDCERS, and was also the facilitator of the Retiree Issues Task Force (RITF) that created a conversation between retiree organizations, the City, and SDCERS.

The program was a presentation by Brendan Daly, the City’s Chief Information Security Officer. He informed members that cybersecurity involves a very different skill set than basic information technology. He informed members of various types of attacks on personal accounts, including phishing. He gave advice about security when using WiFi in public venues from airports to coffeehouses, and recommended using very strong passwords involving multiple characters. He also pointed out that personalized license plates and stickers on our cars can suggest information to scammers.