City of San Diego Retired Employees Association

March 10, 2020

General Meeting Minutes


The minutes for the February 2020 meeting were approved.

President Dick Wilken reported that the REA Board will comply with standards and protocols established by the County Department of Health for dealing with the coronavirus (COVID-19). REA will continue to hold meetings unless advice from the County indicates otherwise. Members who have internet access will be notified of cancellations via email. Members who do not have email should call REA’s office number (1-888- 730-4935). A message will be placed on that line.

Cynthia Queen of SDCERS reported that despite the recent activity in the stock market our investments are holding steady due to their diversification. She also reported that should SDCERS employees be required to work from home due to the COVID-19 virus, the system will still function and there will be no interruption in retirement check deposits.

Chris Brewster gave an overview of the history of Proposition B, since its enactment, and reported that the next step in the Prop B lawsuits will be a hearing on March 20 regarding the quo warranto process to remove the text of the proposition from the City Charter.


The program was Scott Lewis, CEO of Voice of San Diego, which is celebrating its 15th year. Lewis primarily commented on the recent primary elections in San Diego and what the November outcomes could mean. Despite two City Council races being runoffs between candidates of opposing parties, the Council will be majority-Democrat, but split between the two wings of the party. The party split on the Board of Supervisors will be determined by the outcome of the District 3 race. He noted that this race is important because the Democrats on the Board want to tap into reserve funds to address homelessness and behavioral health concerns, whereas the Board’s Republicans want to retain the funds.