City of San Diego Retired Employees Association

February 8, 2022 

General Meeting Minutes

Meeting held via Zoom

President Dick Wilken informed members that there was good press coverage of the Prop B negotiations and settlement. He also reminded members that there will be a vote on a proposed dues increase of $1 at the March 8 meeting.

Stacey LoMedico gave members an update on REA’s Volunteer Program. Gregg Rademacher of SDCERS informed members that investments are steady, the 1099s went out quickly and smoothly, and that Chief Investment Officer Liza Grisafi will be retiring at the end of July.


The program was the annual visit of Scott Lewis, CEO of Voice of San Diego. He noted that both the City and the County are having elections this year; races to watch are for Sheriff and for San Diego City Council Districts 6 and 8. He also spoke about his research into the history of the Sports Arena site which included the issue of homelessness even in pre-WW2 San Diego. Lewis also spoke about the 101 Ash Street problem; the appointment of a new planning director; and the friction between community planning groups, the actual community members, and the Planning Department.