City of San Diego Retired Employees Association
January 10, 2017
General Meeting Minutes

Approval of the Minutes of the November 2016 meeting was deferred to the February meeting, as they had not been distributed to the membership prior to the meeting. The December 2016 Treasurer’s Report was approved.

Marcelle Rossmann of SDCERS reported that the valuation report, a 5-year experience study, is upcoming. She also reported that the funding ratio is dropping from 75.6% to 71.6%, resulting in a larger contribution from the City.

REA is expecting increase our use of Twitter and Facebook to keep members up to date on current events that may affect us. The accounts will also be linked to our webpage.


The program was MEA General Manager Michael Zucchet. Mike was optimistic that the new City Attorney, Mara Elliott, will not practice the political grandstanding of the two previous attorneys and actually advise the City. He reported that a 4-4 tie vote at the US Supreme Court kept in place the means by which public employee unions collect dues. Also, written arguments and amicus briefs have been filed for the Prop B appeal; oral arguments could be in February with a decision within 90 days of the arguments. Finally, he commented that the City is recognizing that there is a recruitment and retention problem, especially in the unclassified ranks, although they won’t admit it’s because of Prop B.