City of San Diego Retired Employees Association

September 13, 2022 

Board Meeting Minutes 

NOTES: Due to a lack of a quorum, no votes were taken.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Dick Wilken at 9:35am.

Board Members Present: Shirley Hall, Joan Hernandez, Joan McNamara, Mary Ann Stepnowsky, John Tsiknas, Dave Twomey, and Dick Wilken 

Guests Present: Liza Crisafi, Stacey LoMedico, Karen Butler 

Joan McNamara introduced Liza Crisafi, recently retired SDCERS Chief Investment Officer and new REA member. Liza Crisafi has agreed to run for the REA Treasurer position at the November election. In anticipation that she will be elected, Dick requested that Abby begin the Treasurer training process when Abby returns to San Diego. 

AGENDA: There were no additions or changes to the agenda.

MINUTES: Approval of the August 2022 Board Meeting minutes was postponed until the October Board Meeting. 


The Treasurer, Abby Salaiz, was not present. Dick Wilken gave an overview of how the Treasurer’s reports work. In August, there was a significant one-time expense for a recruitment flyer that went out to approximately 2700 retirees who are not REA members. In addition, besides monthly dues, we received an annual payment for three years of dues. Dick Wilken provided details regarding PEBA’s membership services. 

Approval of the May, June, July and August 2022 Board minutes and Treasurer’s Reports was deferred to the October Board meeting due to a lack of quorum. 


John Tsiknas reported on the stock market’s ups and downs. The appreciation for the Russell 3000 is now 33.38% and 3.23% for the Money Market. The total value for the Legal Fund is $317,537.


Charlie Hogquist was not present. Dick Wilken reported that the SDCERS offices are open. Most staff are there three days a week. All are present on Tuesdays. Carina Coleman is the new Chief Investment Officer. Nothing to report on the annual supplement benefit. 


Volunteer Program Update

Stacey LoMedico reported the volunteer program started one year ago. Forty members have signed up. Thirteen volunteers participated in fourteen different events for a total of 120+ hours. However, since the same volunteers participate in most events, she will be suspending the program. Certain volunteer efforts will continue such as the City Senior Dance Program twice a month and our Lunch Bunch Volunteer Program. 

Virtual and In Person SDPEBA Benefit Fair November 2nd, 10 AM – 2 PM 

Dick Wilken reported that the City and SDCERS will not hold a in person open enrollment event this year. SDPEBA is planning a retiree benefits fair both in person and virtual for November 2. REA expects to participate. More information to follow.

Bi-Monthly Call with Gregg Rademacher

Dick Wilken reported that SDCERS is committed to retiree healthcare. Open enrollment will begin in November. Gregg reported that as of the end of June, the retirement fund was down only 1.7%. 42% of the fund is invested in stocks, which results in less volatility. As to Prop B, all current City employees are now members of SDCERS. The City is expected to owe SDCERS $100-150 million. They are still working on the numbers and how the monies will be delivered to SDCERS. 

Recruitment Flyer Mailing Project

Mike Bresnahan was not present. Dick Wilken reported that the mailer went out mid-August. Retirees can now join online. Approximately 2700 fliers were mailed. 

Image Enhancement Initiative

Dave Twomey reported that our next major event will be Read Across America in March 2023. The school chosen is Sherman Heights Elementary. We will be coordinating with Lizzie Rodriquez in Councilmember Vivian Moreno’s District 8 office. We hope to contract again with Gary Katz, who does freelance public relations for nonprofit organizations. He did a great job on the videos for our March 2022 Read Across America event at Baker Elementary and the Learn to Swim Program we sponsored this past Summer. The Advocacy Committee will look into contracting with Gary Katz.

Dave discussed the videos we have from Read Across America and the Learn to Swim Program and how to make them available to the public. Since we sponsor Voice of San Diego on Wednesdays, we could have a link to the videos from our footer banner. The link could reach up to 33,000 subscribers. Channel 8 mentioned our involvement with the Learn to Swim Program twice during the 6:00 PM news.

Dave suggested that next year’s budget include two food drives, at least one swim program and Read Across America. 

Nominating Committee Update

Joan McNamara reported that the committee is making significant progress. Full report expected at the October Board meeting. 

Annual Board Retreat Proposed for Friday, December 9 from 9:30 – 2:30, Location TBD

Dick Wilken reported that Stacey LoMedico is working on finding a venue for the retreat. Previous ones have been held at Mission Trails. 


The next Advocacy Committee meeting is Thursday, September 22 at 9:30am via Zoom.


Membership: No report

Newsletter: Deadline for the next issue is September 20.


Retiree Issues Task Force (RITF): No report.

Retirement Security Roundtable: The next meeting is October 5.

MEA: No report.

Other Retired Public Employee Associations: No report.


Dave Twomey reported that SDCERS and SDPEBA will speak at our October meeting and that Carl Luna is still on for our November meeting. 


Stacey LoMedico reported that three REA members have taken advantage of Daytrippers. The Osher Program at San Diego State has not panned out due to Covid vaccine requirements. The Parcel Tax initiative to supplement Park and Rec needs 80,000 signatures for the 2024 ballot.

Joan Hernandez announced a CARRA Senior Vote Forum scheduled for Wednesday, September 21. Lorena Gonzalez was scheduled to speak. 


The meeting was adjourned at 10:40am.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan McNamara

Board Member
