City of San Diego Retired Employees Association
September 11, 2018
Board Meeting Minutes

NOTE: All votes were unanimous unless otherwise noted.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Dave Twomey, acting on behalf of President Jim Baross, at approximately 9:35 am.

Board Members Present: Dave Twomey, Karen Butler, Shirley Hall, Joan Hernandez, Joan McNamara, John Tsiknas, Mary Ann Stepnowsky, Mike Bresnahan and Janet Wood

Guests Present: Dick Wilken, Joe Flynn and Mary Lynn Hyde

AGENDA: There were no changes to the agenda.

MINUTES: The minutes of the August 14, 2019 Board meeting were approved.

COMMUNICATIONS: Nothing reported.


Karen provided an updated Budget Report (worked on by her, Jim Baross and Dave Twomey) with two line items now reflected on the Income/Expense Report. The Year to Date Gross Income in the Budget Report now matches the Overall Total Income in the Income/Expense Report. The Budget’s Year to Date Total Income less Expenses now matches the Overall Total Expenses in the Income/Expense Report. Dave Twomey indicated that he hoped the Year to Date Net Operating Income to be reflected as the Overall Total Income in the Income/Expense Report. Karen indicated that she modified the reports as agreed upon with Jim and Dave. It was decided that Dave, Karen and Jim would discuss further.

M/S/C to approve the August Treasurer’s Report.

The Investment Committee reported that the return on our RUSSELL investments is 12%. We won’t need to purchase any RUSSELL funds at this time, to maintain the 50% balance, because of this gain.

M/S/C to approve the Investment Committee report.


No report.


Award Recognition Committee discussion: Further discussion regarding honoring Ann Smith and MEA for their outstanding service to REA in regards to their years-long work on Prop B. Joan H. indicated that 127 was significantly involved and spent about $500,000 on the challenge to Prop B. Joan M. indicated that the Deputy City Attorneys Association also participated in the challenge with an attorney that represented their common interests. It was suggested that maybe we do a team award for all those involved in the Prop B challenge. The decision on the award was trailed to next month.

Consideration of San Diego Memorial Society (SDMS) as a possible presenter: Joe Flynn and Mary Lynn Hyde presented the benefits provided by SDMS. It was agreed that at the REA retreat we would discuss whether to have SDMS as a presenter in 2019.


Nominating Committee Progress: Dick Wilken volunteered to be the General Member on the Nominating Committee. No other nominations were presented.

Prop B News: The City of San Diego has filed a motion with the California Supreme Court for a rehearing based on a Free Speech argument. If it fails, they may try to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Next REA Outing: Joan M. reported the next outing is to the Balboa Art Conservation Center on October 10.

Retreat Goals for 2018: Mike B. reported that the Advocacy Committee is working on an agenda for meeting with Council Members. The agenda should be completed in October. Mary Ann S. reported our database shows 731 REA members live within the City limits, 1381 live outside the limits within the County.


Advocacy: Next meeting is September 27. Seven to nine people consistently attend. Per library policy, we can have up to 12 per meeting.

Retiree Issues Task Force: Next meeting is September 20. Joe F. asked whether there would be a discussion regarding Cigna health benefit issues. Mike B. said he would check the agenda.

Other Retiree and Active Employee Association Reports: Retirement Security Roundtable. No report. Next meeting October 3. Monthly Meeting with MEA’s, Michael Z. No report

Communications Committee:

Membership: Membership up to 1559 with 80 new members since June. Fifteen of these new members still need to submit their full social security numbers. John T. pointed out our form needs updating, still asks for last four of social. It was determined that our paper membership form has been updated, but not the one on the web. Mary Ann S. will get it fixed.

Helping Hands/Sunshine: No discussion

Newsletter: Janet W. reported the deadline for the next issue is September 20.

REA Web/iQue: Nothing new reported.

Additional information: Mike B. reported that the Retired Fire and Police Association (RFPA) sent out an email to all their members that recognized the efforts of REA, but pointed out that membership in their organization was better for public safety retirees.


Mike B. reported that we have Jack McGrory for October to discuss SDSU’s option for the stadium space. Carl Luna will speak in November about the political scene.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:32 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan McNamara
Board Member – Director 5