City of San Diego Retired Employees Association
March 8, 2022
Board Meeting Minutes
NOTES: All votes were unanimous unless otherwise noted. The meeting was held via Zoom.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Dick Wilken at 9:15am.
Board Members Present: Jim Baross, Mike Bresnahan, Chris Brewster, Karen Butler, Shirley Hall, Joan Hernandez, Brad Jacobsen, Joan McNamara, John Tsiknas, Dave Twomey, Dick Wilken, Mary Ann Stepnowsky and Janet Wood
Guests Present: Joe Flynn, Stacey LoMedico
AGENDA: There were no additions or changes to the agenda.
MINUTES: The minutes of the February 2022 Board meeting were approved, with one abstention.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Karen reported that our Actual YTD balance is off because of the $5000 expenditure for the Read Across America event and $900 for insurance.
M/S/C to accept the Februrary 2022 Treasurer’s Report.
INVESTMENT COMMITTEE REPORT: John reported that as we all were aware, the market was crazy. The appreciation for the Russell 3000 is 50.50% and for the Money Market it is 2.99%. The total value of the fund is $322,758.
1) Dave reported on the Read Across America event. Four hundred books were distributed, each with a bookplate from CD9 that included REA’s logo. Our PR consultant, Gary Katz, did well: the event got a spot on Channel 8’s news that included a plug for REA. Photos from the event can be used in the newsletter and on our website. The next Image Enhancement events will be two Learn to Swim events, with locations to be determined.
Stacey recommended that we have a back-up person/second-in-command for these events to both assist Dave and to step in for him in case of emergency.
2) Dick cautioned Board members that neither we nor SDCERS know enough about the City’s moving health care coverage from Fiscal Year to Calendar Year for any of us to offer advice if asked.
3) Stacey reported that we have two new volunteers, bringing the total up to 42. Two of our volunteers participated in the Read Across America event. The next event will be a beach cleanup.
Dick gave his proposed process for the vote on the dues increase. He will begin with a brief review of the need for the increase and will inform members of the outreach efforts made to inform as many members as possible of the vote. His proposed motion is: “to increase the REA dues to $3 per month for members paying by pension deduction and to $45 per year for those members paying annually.”
After the motion is made, Trudy Sopp will speak in favor of the motion, followed by any others who also want to speak in favor. Dick will then ask for anyone opposed to speak. The vote will be conducted by a show of hands; Jim will explain how to raise hands on Zoom.
Chris pointed out that because the motion is coming unanimously from the Board, who are all members, it has essentially been moved and seconded.
1) Mike reported that he and Mary Ann have reached out to Jonathan Hayes and Edward Kado about developing an online membership enrollment process. This is moving forward.
2) The committee is looking to ways to give REA members some tangible benefits for joining. These could include discounts at various businesses. Board members should send suggestions to Mike. The committee is also looking into possible scholarship programs for grandchildren of REA members.
3) Edward Kado had recommended that REA upgrade the software used for our website at a cost of $3000. The committee decided that there was no immediate need to make this upgrade.
4) The next meeting is Thursday March 24, at 9:30am via Zoom.
Membership: No report
Newsletter: Deadline for the next issue is February 17.
Retiree Issues Task Force (RITF): No report
Retirement Security Roundtable: No report
MEA: Jim announced that he would like to retire from his position as liaison to MEA. Mike Zucchet proposed Steve Ramirez as Jim’s replacement, but Steve is not an REA member. There was discussion about whether the liaison needs to be an REA member; Jim said he would stay on until November so that this issue can be resolved.
Other Retired Public Employee Associations: No report
PROGRAMS: No report.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:25am.
Respectfully submitted,
Brad Jacobsen