City of San Diego Retired Employees Association
March 10, 2020
Board Meeting Minutes
NOTE: All votes were unanimous unless otherwise noted
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Dick Wilken at 9:30am.
Board Members Present: Jim Baross (at 10:30), Mike Bresnahan, Chris Brewster, Karen Butler, Shirley Hall, Joan Hernandez, Brad Jacobsen, Ty Rogers, Mary Ann Stepnowsky, John Tsiknas, Dave Twomey, Dick Wilken, and Janet Wood
Guests Present: None
AGENDA: There were no additions or changes to the agenda.
PRESIDENT’S REMARKS: Joan Hernandez distributed our nifty new name badges.
MINUTES: The minutes of the February 2020 Board meeting were approved.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Karen reported that costs for the newsletter have increased from $340 to $345. She also reported that so far, income from the luncheons is higher than the expenses.
M/S/C to accept the February Treasurer’s Report.
John reported that our investments are still in the black despite some very rocky days on Wall Street.
M/S/C to accept the Investment Committee Report.
1) The Audit Committee met and all is good.
2) The Board discussed how to respond to the challenges related to the coronavirus COVID-19, including the possibility of cancelling meetings. Our membership is
considered high-risk, but our meetings aren’t considered a “large gathering” (100+).
It was decided that the REA Board will comply with standards and protocols established by the County Department of Health for dealing with the coronavirus
(COVID-19). REA will continue to hold meetings unless advice from the County indicates otherwise. Members who have internet access will be notified of cancellations via email. Members who do not have email should call REA’s office number (1-888-730- 4935). A message will be placed on that line.
It was also decided that should the meetings be suspended, the Board will use teleconferencing as a means to continue with the business of the organization.
3) The Board considered Joe Flynn’s suggestion that REA a “Hand in Hand” program to reach out to spouses and families of recently-deceased REA members, similar to a program of Retired Police & Fire. It was noted that it can be difficult for REA to learn of a member’s passing in time to be of immediate help. It was also noted that police officers and firefighters tend to have much stronger bonds than civilian City employees. Finally, it was noted that providing this service would require a reliable, dedicate core of volunteers to be successful.
1) Dave presented an update on REA’s Image Enhancement Campaign. Print ads for Carl Luna’s “Restoring Respect” conference feature our logo, with KPBS as another sponsor. Dave will ask Carl how often the print ad will run and whether REA is mentioned on any KPBS announcements.
Dave also suggested that REA do smaller, monthly events, such as assisting in providing lunches to schoolchildren throughout the summer. He pointed out that a flyer announcing this program goes out to 30,000 families.
2) Chris Brewster reported that several California Rule cases are pending at various judicial levels in the state; there will be an appellate court hearing on Prop B on March 20; and that some revisions to the original Proposition 13 regarding taxing commercial property vs residential property are making their way toward the ballot.
Advocacy: Mike reported that the committee is working on the Image Enhancement Campaign, staffing the upcoming SDCERS health care presentations, and discussing REA membership criteria for post-Prop B employees. The next Advocacy Committee meeting will be March 26 at the Mission Valley Library.
Membership: Membership is 1615.
Newsletter: Deadline for the next issue is March 18. Janet reported that she’s been getting very positive feedback about the newsletter.
Past President: Jim donated a used personal laptop for REA’s use.
Website: No report.
Retiree Issues Task Force (RITF): No report.
Retirement Security Roundtable: The next meeting will be on March 11 (tomorrow).
MEA: No report.
Other Retired Public Employee Associations: No report.
PROGRAMS: Dave has secured the Executive Director of SANDAG, Hasan Ikhrata, as the speaker for the July meeting. We have a vacancy for August; Richard Lederer is under consideration.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Brad Jacobsen