City of San Diego Retired Employees Association
September 10, 2019
Board Meeting Minutes
NOTE: All votes were unanimous unless otherwise noted
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President Jim Baross at 9:35am.
Board Members Present: Jim Baross, Karen Butler, Shirley Hall, Joan Hernandez, Charlie
Hogquist, Brad Jacobsen, Joan McNamara, Ty Rogers, Mary Ann Stepnowsky, John Tsiknas,
Dick Wilken, and Janet Wood
Guests Present: None
AGENDA: There were no additions or changes to the agenda; there was a brief intermission to celebrate John Tsiknas’ 95th birthday.
MINUTES: The minutes of the August 2019 Board meeting were approved.
COMMUNICATIONS: Several Board members received an e-mail (or two) from “Jim” requesting money. No one was naive enough to send any.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Karen reported that there has been a delay in recording the dues of 96 new members; this is being resolved by Jonathan Hayes.
M/S/C to accept the September Treasurer’s Report.
John reported that despite an initial downturn our investments had another good month
M/S/C to accept the Investment Committee Report.
Charlie reported that are several new members of the SDCERS Board, and that calculations are
being done to determine if a 13th Check will be issued.
- The Nominating Committee developed a slate of candidates for Board positions. Mike
Bresnahan, Joan Hernandez, Ty Rogers, and Dave Twomey are all seeking reelection. Dick
Wilken has been nominated for President, with Chris Brewster running for Dick’s seat.
M/S/C to accept the Nominating Committee’s slate - REA has sent a letter of support to Risk Management in the case of Deneise Tefft and herattempt to be reimbursed for the premiums she paid for a “fixed indemnity” health insurance plan. Our letter calls for all retirees who are in such plans to be reimbursed, on the grounds that language in the informational materials was unclear and that the retirees acted in good faith. SDCERS staff have been supportive of this action.
- There was much discussion about the status of continuances (surviving spouses) of REA members. It was decided that although these people may not have been City employees, they may have been using their spouse’s membership to access benefits through PEBA. There was more discussion about whether a continuance’s REA dues should be waived; it was noted that many REA members over 80 opt not to waive their dues.
- M/S/C that the REA dues of a continuance may be waived upon request.
- The annual retreat will be on December 6 or December 13 depending on the availability of Mission Trails Park.
- Joan McNamara reported that a possible outing would be to the Glenner Memory Care facilities, which is not as grim as it sounds.
- Charlie brought two prototype name badges used by Old Town Trolley that could be adapted for REA’s use. Both came from Dell Awards in Lemon Grove.
Advocacy: The next Advocacy Committee meeting will be September 26 at the Mission Valley Library.
Retiree Issues Task Force (RITF): The issue of continuances was also raised at RITF. Surviving spouses are informed by SDCERS of their ability to join REA and PEBA.
Other Retired Public Employee Associations: No report.
Active Employee Associations: No report.
Membership: Membership is 1623.
Sunshine: No report.
Newsletter: Deadline for the next issue is September 20 or earlier.
Website: No report.
General Membership Programs: The calendar is full.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45am.
Respectfully submitted,
Brad Jacobsen